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Birkenhead High School Academy Senior

    Senior School

    In Seniors students are offered a broad, balanced curriculum at KS3 and individual pathways at KS4 that challenge, motivate and inspire. The pathways are designed to allow all students to flourish. Students are guided and encouraged along the way by dedicated, experienced teachers and a support team who ensure that girls receive the tailor-made provision they require, looking after their well-being at all times. State-of-the-art specialist rooms allow students to work in top class facilities in safe surroundings.

    Our provision for the more able is outstanding and we ensure that lessons stretch gifted and talented students to give breadth and depth to their learning.

    We believe in educating the whole child and therefore Senior school offers academic study combined with a wide variety of enrichment opportunities led by expert staff. These include individual and small group music tuition, choir and orchestra and sports such as swimming, tennis and hockey.

    At BHSA we make sure that every student aims to exceed expectations and achieve well at GCSE, preparing them for the next stage in their learning with confidence and optimism.

    BHSA Curriculum Web

    • Develop and retain knowledge (declarative i.e. knowledge you can think about and say and procedural i.e. knowledge you can apply)
    • Cultural capital that will enrich your experience and empower you to access, the next stage of your education, find suitable employment and participate in a democratic society.
    • Value learning for its own sake and develop a range of skills, aptitudes and personal qualities to take into life. These will include your:
    • Non-cognitive skills (such as resilience, working with others, acceptance of feedback and kindness)
    • Metacognitive skills (such as planning, monitoring and evaluation)
    • Study skills (such as retrieval practice, spaced practice and dual coding)

    The curriculum outlines key knowledge that you need to learn over your time with us in order to be successful; this will then drive what and how we teach.  A challenging curriculum will require you to think deeply about subject and lesson content. 




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