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Meet Our Staff

Mrs Bass - Early Years Lead

Miss Crosby - Reception teacher

Mrs Crosby - Reception teacher

Mrs Greer - Nursery Teacher

Mrs Nelson - Reception Teaching Assistant

Mrs Vaughan - Reception Teaching Assistant

Mrs Houghton - Reception Teaching Assistant

Our Early Years is led and managed by Mrs Bass who is an experienced, fully qualified Early Years teacher. Mrs Bass teaches in Reception alongside Mrs Butterworth and both work very closely with Mrs Greer who is the main class teacher in our Nursery classroom. Mrs Greer is also a fully qualified Early Years teacher with a wealth of experience teaching in the Early Years.

Our staff are our greatest asset and all our adults provide high quality interactions; they are role models for learning. We ourselves are committed to our own development and learning. At BHSA we encourage our pupils to learn by playing, exploring and being active and engaging in a variety of activities that take place both indoors and outdoors. All staff working within the nursery and reception classes work together to teach and nurture our pupils. Each child is allocated a ‘Key Worker’ (the class teacher) and this is the first person for a parent to talk to if they have any concerns about their child at home or school. We have an open-door policy and a very close working team so you can talk to any member of our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) team about your child if you have a concern or queries.

Parents are kept informed at the classroom door where we can share achievements or raise little concerns; our wider school events are shared through the weekly Bugle newsletter and our weekly Home Learning newsletter. We use SeeSaw to encourage communication between home and school.