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Key Documents

BHSA is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all our students at all times. We work within the guidelines of our Safeguarding and Social Networking Policies and ensure that any visitors to our school are made aware of these policies also. All those who work at BHSA have a current enhanced DBS certificate. Should you require any aspect of these policies explaining further, please contact the School Administrator  and we will respond to your request.

Please find links to key documents below.

Access Arrangements (Exams)

Accessibility Plan

Admissions Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy


Application for leave during term time

Attendance Statement Senior School

Behaviour and Exclusions Policy

16-19 Tuition Fund

Charging and Remissions Policy

CPD Policy

Equality Objectives

First Aid Policy

GDST Academy Trust 2021-22 Financial Statements

GDST Academy Trust 2022-23 Financial Statements

GDST Academy Trust Executive Pay 2021-22

GDST Academy Trust Executive Pay 2022/23

GDST Academy Trust Gender Pay Gap Mandatory Metrics 2022

GDST Academy Trust Gender Pay Gap Mandatory Metrics 2023

Intimate Care Policy

Statement of Health & Safety Organisation and Responsibilities

Home School Agreement

Let's Talk About It Campaign

Junior School Behaviour Policy

Junior School Feedback Policy

KS1 Acceptable Use Policy

KS2 Acceptable Use Policy

KS3-5 Acceptable Use Policy

Memorandum and Articles of Association GDST Academy Trust

Ofsted Inspection Reports

Online Safety Policy

Parental Complaints Procedure

Privacy Notice

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 23-24

SEND and Inclusion Policy 

Safeguarding Procedures

Safeguarding Policy 2024

Scheme of Delegation

SEN Information Report

Senior School Behaviour and Exclusion Policy

Sex and Relationships Policy 

Sixth Form Attendance and Punctuality Policy

Sports Premium

Teaching and Learning Policy

Uniform Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

Word Processor Policy (Exams)