A Level and BTEC Results 2023

Much to Celebrate at BHSA!
Birkenhead High School Academy is delighted to report that students have achieved outstanding A Level and BTEC results this year.
A large percentage of students will now be moving on to Russell Group Universities, having gained their first choices. There were many examples of individual success stories, but to name a few; Rose Bridson A*, A, A will study Natural Sciences at University of Leeds; Emily Burton A*, A*, A* to study Physics and Astronomy at Durham University; Amy Jordan A, A, A to study Medicine at Hull/York and Derlugha de Buitler, A,A,B who is taking a gap year. Others with equally impressive results are hoping to move onto apprenticeships or a range of employment opportunities. (Some results above include AQA Extended Project Qualifications – we were extremely proud of the students’ success in following their own interests to this level.)
Some of these students have been part of our school community since joining nursery at age 3, with others joining our Sixth Form after GCSEs.
Rebecca Mahony, Principal, said, “We are so proud of our students’ achievements this year. They have shown great determination and resilience throughout an incredibly tough and disrupted few years. Huge thanks to all staff and parents for their amazing support throughout.”
If you would like to be part of our success story, we are still open to applications for a place in the 6th Form.