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Opportunity – We will offer a wide range of activities that not only extend our pupils educational experience but will hopefully ignite a passion and desire to further explore areas of personal interest outside of a school setting. Pupils should understand the importance of engaging with the enrichment programme as part of their overall health and well - being.

Partnership – The programme will encourage collaboration across the school and develop links with outside partners such as sports clubs, arts venues/companies along with local and national charities.

Challenge – Pupils will be encouraged to push themselves physically, socially and intellectually in a variety of settings. The programme will also facilitate the development of personal resilience in a variety of contexts.  


Enrichments activities will be divided into the following blocks





Community and Global Impact

Physical - These enrichments will mainly be delivered by the PE department and include an extensive range of activities that develop health and physical fitness. Many sports will be competitive in nature and will present opportunities to represent the school at local or regional competitions. Other activities will be more leisure based and will encourage physical movement in a more relaxed setting.

Examples include: netball, hockey, football, cricket, swimming, badminton, mini tennis, gymnastics, trampolining, volleyball, fitness and running clubs

Creatives - These enrichments will largely be led by the Arts faculty and will include drama, dance, art and music based activities. Some sessions will link specifically to planned performances such as concerts and productions but others will have a more holistic approach. You might want to offer something that would complement one of the other activities. For example, story telling about a piece of art work or creating a story board for a piece of music.  Again please feel free to sign up to help instead of lead in any of these activity areas.

Examples include: Junior and senior choir, photography, theatre workshops, instrumental sessions, costume design, exploring musical productions and shows, choreography workshops, creative writing

Mindfulness - These enrichment activities should incorporate elements that raise pupil awareness of where they are and what they are doing. It might link to stress relief or meditation or might include tasks that increase their awareness of their own bodies and how this can influence their well-being.

Examples include: Yoga, connect with nature, guided meditation and breathing, listening to podcasts or music, creating mindful jars for junior classes, dog walking to the park, bead weaving, board games

STEM - These enrichments should look to explore subjects like science, technology, engineering and maths in exciting and inventive ways. Activities should ignite new interest and to raise attainment in STEM subjects through  imaginative and inventive links with the real world.

Examples include: Asteroid impact, desert island survival, medical procedures, movie making, witchcraft and wizardry, technological improvement to sporting performance, financial management, robotics, mine craft

Community and Global Impact - These enrichments should aim to challenge pupils to think about their own responsibility to our local community and the impact their actions can have on the wider world. Activities should look to collaborate with local charities and initiatives, develop their awareness of employability and business links and even explore different cultural practices across the globe.

Examples include:  Young enterprise, eco - planet, philosophy cafe, ethical debates, Horrible History, gap year travels and projects