Ofsted say:
Pupils are proud to attend this school. They feel happy and safe. Pupils understand the importance of tolerating people who are different to themselves. They embrace diversity. Leaders deal with any incidents of bullying quickly and effectively. Pupils enjoy the wide range of opportunities that are available to them as part of the school curriculum and beyond. For example, pupils in key stages 3 and 4 appreciate the enrichment sessions at the end of each day. Sixth-form students benefit from developing a wide range of leadership skills. Most pupils value their education. Across the school, teachers encourage pupils to do their best. Overall, pupils are keen to learn new knowledge and information. For example, pupils enjoy participating in discussions and debates about topical issues. Children in the early years and in the junior school enjoy learning outdoors. In the main, the curriculum is enabling most current pupils to achieve well. In this allthrough school, staff prepare pupils well for the next steps in their education. Typically, staff have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour. Most pupils conduct themselves well. In the early years, children are taught to share and take turns. In the sixth form, students demonstrate independence and behave with maturity. Pupils have a strong voice. For example, through the school council, they help to shape changes to how the school is run. Many pupils participate in the school’s cadet group. Overall, pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.